Packing a Storage Unit

Recent Tips

Moving into a self storage unit can be one of the most stressful parts of moving. Not only are you dealing with the physical act of packing and unpacking, but also all the emotional stress that comes with it. When you’re moving into a new place, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and just toss everything in boxes and hope for the best. But if you want your stuff to arrive at its destination safely and in good condition, then follow these tips for packing a self storage unit properly.

Properly Packing a Storage Unit

Determine the appropriate size to start.

Before you start packing, you need to determine the appropriate size for your storage unit. While this may seem like a simple task, it can get complicated quickly if you don’t know what factors are important. The size of the storage unit depends on several factors:

How much space do I need?

• What items am I storing?

• Does my budget allow me more than one size?

Choose wisely when it comes to packing materials.

When it comes to packing materials, you should use sturdy cardboard boxes as opposed to flimsy ones. They will also be less likely to get crushed in the storage unit. If you don’t have any cardboard boxes on hand, it may be worth purchasing some from your local grocery store or hardware store—your self storage company might even offer them for sale at their facility.

Packing paper is another important packing material that should always be included in your moving supplies. It’s essential for protecting fragile items like glassware and plates during a move; it also serves as an extra layer of protection when using plastic wrap around breakable items like dishes or cookware (which should never be wrapped in newspaper). Additionally, if you’re storing anything that could potentially leak liquid (such as candles), then packing paper will help keep those liquids contained until they can safely reach their destination

Coordinate the loading and unloading process for maximum efficiency.

While packing your self storage unit, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, load the unit first and then unload it. This will help you avoid damage and save time once you get to your unit. Some people like to pack their items into boxes first and then load them later. But this can cause problems when you’re trying to stack items up high or overstuff the vehicle with unnecessary stuff that’s not needed immediately after moving in or out of your unit.

It’s also important not to over pack the truck! It may seem like it would make sense to fill up every inch of space available with as much stuff as possible, but this won’t do anyone any favors — especially if they have no idea how much room is left after loading everything else on top and around those boxes full of their most valued belongings!

Pack with purpose and order in mind.

Believe it or not, packing a storage unit is similar to packing your suitcase. Here’s the key: Use the space you have effectively, and pack with purpose in mind.

First things first: when you’re packing, keep in mind that heavy items like books should go on the bottom (or at least stacked below lighter items), while bulky items like pillows can be placed in the middle of a stack for support. If you’ve got something fragile or valuable, secure it between two other boxes so it doesn’t get crushed—and remember to take off any packaging before storing! Finally, keep this tip in mind: if there isn’t enough room between boxes for your hand to fit through comfortably as you reach up behind them, then they’re too close together and won’t stack properly later on when they’re packed full of stuff again!

Packing everything out into an open space will help make sure everything has plenty of room around it so nothing gets damaged during transport or during storage within your unit itself due to insufficient spacing between objects being stored therein.

Organize your boxes into zones.

Organize your boxes into zones. Some items are best kept together, and that’s why it’s important to think about the contents of each box before packing them up. For example, if you’re storing a lot of breakable dishes, glassware or other fragile goods in storage, keep these things in one area of your unit so they won’t get jostled around during transport or when someone else uses the facility. Likewise, if you plan on keeping environmentally sensitive items like food or books cool during their stay in the unit (to preserve freshness), make sure that section is separated from any areas that might get too warm over time.

Label, then label some more.

Labeling your boxes is one of the most important things you can do to make sure that your stuff doesn’t become a jumbled mess. But just as labeling can help keep things organized, it can also be easily forgotten and overlooked.

In order for labeling to be effective, you need to make sure that your labels are clear and visible so you can find what you want when it comes time to move out. It should also be easy to read at eye level (so no squinting down at the top of a box) and placed on the top of each box so they don’t get covered up by other items while in storage. Consider using different colored pens or markers for separate sections within your storage unit if necessary!

Take stock of your items as you pack them away.

  • Take stock of your items as you pack them away.
  • This will help you to know what you have and what you need to buy. For example, if there are some things that should be stored in the unit but haven’t been brought in yet, or if there are some items that can be stored elsewhere, or even sold at a garage sale.
  • The inventory will also help determine how much space is needed for each type of item – this way everything is not stored together, which makes it easier to find the needed items when packing up later!


We hope this post has helped you to pack your self storage unit with ease. Remember that the best way to ensure a smooth move is by planning ahead and being organized. You don’t want the last thing on your mind when moving day arrives to be how exactly all those boxes got there in the first place! Contain Your Stuff has a storage unit for you!

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