Spring Clean Your Kitchen

Recent Tips

Spring is a time for renewal and reinvention, which makes it the perfect time to tackle some serious kitchen clean-up. Spring cleaning your kitchen can help you get organized and reduce stress—not to mention it will save you from having to do an intensive overhaul of your space in the summer heat. Here’s how.

Spring Clean Your Kitchen

Clean the cabinets.

  • Clean the cabinets.
  • Vacuum out any debris that may be stuck in the nooks and crannies of your cabinets.
  • Wipe down all shelves with a damp microfiber cloth.
  • Clean the exterior of each cabinet with Murphy’s Oil Soap, which will help protect against water spots as well as give it a spotless boost!
  • Give all handles, knobs and hinges a quick wipe-down too!

Clean the fridge.

The inside of your fridge is likely to be dirty, especially if you don’t clean it very often. This is because food spills and drips often end up in hard-to-reach places.

The first step to cleaning the inside of your fridge is removing all old food items that have expired or gone bad. Then wipe down any shelves, drawers and bins with soap and water so they are clean before replacing them back into their proper places (or throwing away). You should also wipe down any ice trays or other accessories that hold food items such as cheese slices or deli meats if they aren’t in use at this time.

Declutter your drawers.

The kitchen drawers are one of the most common places to find clutter in your home. They’re also a great place to hide things you don’t want anyone else seeing, like old tax documents and expired coupons.

It’s time to declutter those drawers and make room for new items that will make cooking easier! You can start by sorting through your kitchen utensils, pots and pans, and other items in the drawers. Remove any that you haven’t used in over 6 months (or ever). If an item isn’t getting used regularly enough for its purpose–like a measuring cup or spatula–you may want to consider getting rid of it permanently as well (they don’t take up much space). Don’t forget about cleaning out the drawers themselves, either; this will help keep them organized by removing excess dust bunnies which could otherwise get stuck in there over time.

Clear out the pantry.

It’s time to get rid of the expired and unused food. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably got some things in your pantry that have been there for years. You may even have duplicates of items because one carton has gone bad and you didn’t know about it until now (or maybe it was just easier to buy another).

To clear out all this clutter, start by organizing items by type and frequency of use–for example, canned goods on one shelf; dry goods on another; condiments on yet another–and then get rid of duplicates that aren’t being used anywhere else in the kitchen or home. Next, clean out the back corners where dust bunnies tend to accumulate over time; then re-organize everything so it’s easier for everyone who uses this space throughout their day-to-day lives!

Spring is a great time to do some deep cleaning in your kitchen!

Spring is a great time to do some deep cleaning in your kitchen! Spring cleaning is a great way to get rid of clutter and organize your space, which can be especially helpful if you’re short on time during the week. It’s also nice because it gives you an opportunity to declutter before summer hits, when things tend to get messy again (and we all know how much kids love playing with toys).

Here are some tips for spring cleaning your kitchen:

  • Start by sorting through all the items in your pantry or cabinets and throwing away any expired food or items that don’t belong there anymore (or just aren’t useful). You might want some help from another person for this step, since there will probably be quite a bit thrown away!
  • Next, move onto cleaning out drawers by removing everything from them and wiping them down with warm soapy water–you’ll want clean drawers so nothing gets stuck while trying closing them again later down the road!
  • If you need some extra space while cleaning, get a small storage unit from us today!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this article, and that it has inspired you to take advantage of the great weather and get some cleaning done! Remember, there’s no better time than springtime to clean out your kitchen cabinets and pantry.