Moving Checklist Part 3

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Moving Day Checklist Part 3

1 Week before Moving

Now is crunch time! Use this last full week to double and triple check everything. You don’t want to be running around like a nut on moving day because you weren’t diligent at this point.

Check that all valuables are in a separate box to go in the car with you. Get this box ready now, and keep it out where you can easily access it. You may be adding little things to it here and there. It’s a good idea to toss in a digital camera, notepad and pen as well.

Finish moving items into your storage unit. Most of the large items should have been done by now, but you probably have some straggler boxes of items you came across when packing that you don’t want to take to the new place.

Back up important files and disassemble your computer. You have probably heard, “Have a back-up of your back-up.” Take this to heart, especially if your computer holds all your precious photos and important tax and business files. Take one set of the back-up drives or discs outside your home. You don’t want to have your computer and both sets of back-ups in the same place…that sort of defeats the purpose. See if you can keep your back-ups at your friend’s place or in your safe deposit box. Better safe than sorry on this one.

Make sure all boxes are clearly labelled. Especially the fragile ones! Be sure each box states clearly which room it is going to in the new house. For example: Kitchen, Upstairs Bathroom, Garage, Basement, etc. If there are any breakable items in the box, use a bight sticker that says “FRAGILE” on at least two sides of the box, so it is not missed.

Empty, defrost and clean your refrigerator a day or two before the move. Keep non-perishable items on hand for snacks, and order in for your meals to make it really easy for you. You can keep the fridge plugged in the last day with items like milk and lunch meat in there. But, be sure to have a cooler on hand and ice, so you can keep those items cold in transport. Or, plan to toss them on moving day and not take anything like that with you.

Confirm all details with your moving company. Make sure they have your cell phone number in case of emergency, and give them a secondary contact’s cell number as well in case they cannot get you right away.

Pack a box with items you’ll want to have on hand immediately upon arriving at your new home, and keep this box in your car:

  • Snacks
  • Bottled water
  • Disposable plates and cups
  • Bathroom items
  • Trash bags
  • Pet food and bowls

Moving Day – Leaving the Old Home

The big day has come. Are you ready? If you followed the tips we covered so far, you should be set to go. Here are some critical items to keep in mind and plan for on moving day so all your planning and hard work up to this point is worth it.

Sign the paperwork for the movers. Check that all the information is correct, and make sure the movers have everything they need from you. If you have any questions, now is the time to ask them.

Be there to direct the movers. Make sure someone is at your old home and the new one ahead of time. That way when the movers arrive they can get started without delay. Make sure you have gone over your plans with your helpers, so they have no questions and can answer any questions the movers ask.

Thoroughly check closets, drawers, cabinets, etc. to make sure nothing is left behind. It doesn’t hurt to do this twice, and have two separate people check just to be sure.

Turn off all switches, lock the doors and windows. Make sure all appliances that are staying with the home are turned off as well.

Moving Day – Arriving at Your New Home

Just because you arrived, that doesn’t mean you can just sit down and relax right away. You want to check a few things to make sure everything is in order and set to go.

Before anything gets moved into your new home, do a quick walk-through. Make sure nothing was left behind from the previous owners. If you find anything out of sorts, like damage that wasn’t there before, take photos and notate it in your notebook. Turn on the A/C or furnace, plug in the fridge and turn on lights, so the movers can see where they are going.

Put your box of important items somewhere you can easily get to it. Put anything in the fridge that needs to stay cold.

While unpacking boxes and furniture, check for damaged or missing items. Make sure to take pictures and notate any damaged or missing items in a notebook. You can refer to this later with the movers if necessary.

If you’ve moved to a province, plan to get a new driver’s license and update any legal papers as soon as possible with your new address. Take care of these items in the first week or two, so you don’t forget about them.

Locate the hospital, police station and fire station near your new home. Post the phone numbers on the fridge for young children and save them in your cell phone.


And finally? Pour yourself an iced tea (or a glass of wine) and head out to the patio to enjoy that sunset. You’ve earned it!

If you have any questions about preparing for your move, you can contact us at any time. If you are ready to start moving your extra stuff into a storage unit now, you can reserve one or rent a unit online 24/7!

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